Monday, January 4, 2010


Did you ever wonder about the value of a dog? I have always believed that a dog, a loyal family pet, is the most caring and knowledgeable members of a family. Holly, an old dear Cairn terrier,was one. She died in her late years shortly after Christmas almost 14 years ago. During her lifetime she had provided me with unconditional love and comfort. Taking her for walkies was never a chore and she always enjoyed the visits to the park. During a serious crisis in my life, Holly never left my side. She would stay beside me on the couch or on the bed giving me comfort even though there were times I didn't realize she was present. I suffered a severe bout of depression and I couldn't even bother to move. When I would go from the bed to the living room couch, she would be at my feet, would climb on my lap and stay with me. I loved her for that. She helped me get better.
Phenix, my current Cairn, has the same innate ability to sense sadness and loneliness. He stays with me and snuggles when I am lonely as if to say that everything is OK because he will take care of the pain.
I ramble on this because of the courageous Lab in British Columbia who tackled a mountain lion which attacked his young friend. The boy did not see the huge cat but the dog sensed something was wrong. When the cat lunged at the boy the Lab intercepted it and protected the child. This dog was willing to die to protect his friend. Fortunately he only suffered a few cuts and scrapes. The police shot the lion. For its bravery, devotion, and love of his "boy" this Lab should be rewarded with some sort of lifetime supply of Kibble or, at the very least, the Purina medal of courage. It can be truly said to all dogs: "well done, good and faithful servant."

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